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The Arts & STEM: Women Who Did Both (Pt. 1)

"Why would you want to study art? What a waste of money—they call them 'starving artists' for a reason." "Artists are the ones bringing creativity to the world, touching peoples' hearts—not those engineers, those scientists." Regardless of which field you leaned towards, you've likely heard these kinds of remarks before: STEM majors sneering at the "non-intellectual" humanities; humanities majors turning their noses up against the "uncreative" STEM field. This phenomenon, as highlighted in  C.P. Snow's "Two Cultures" lecture , demonstrates a broad cultural divide between STEM and the humanities. While Snow's lecture is more sympathetic towards the science side, the humanities world still receives injust stereotypes among the STEM community. "Art major" has become a taboo among many STEM circles, and the division of "hard science" vs. "soft science" further reinforces the fal

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